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  • (A)

    Appointment or Removal of Employees. Neither the Commission, nor any of its members, shall in any manner control the appointment or removal of any City officers or employees whom the City Manager or any of his or her subordinates are empowered to appoint. The Commission or any of its members may, however, express views and fully and freely discuss with the City Manager anything pertaining to the appointment and removal of these officers and employees.


    Direction to Employees. Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations, the Commission and its members shall deal with City officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager, solely through the City Manager. Neither the Commission nor its members shall give orders to any of those officers or employees, either publicly or privately. The foregoing does not prohibit individual members of the Commission from closely scrutinizing, by questions and personal observations, any aspect of City government operations in order to obtain information to assist in formulation of Commission policies. Recommendations for improvement in City government operations shall, however, be made to and through the City Manager, so that he or she may coordinate the efforts of all City departments.


    Holding City Office or Employment. No former member of the Commission shall, within the City, hold any compensated appointive City office or employment with the City until one (1) year after the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected or appointed.

(Ord. No. 62-01, passed 1/8/02, Adopted at Referendum 3/12/02)