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  • (A)

    Duties . The Internal Auditor shall follow governmental auditing standards and shall review business practices, procedures, internal controls and procurement practices which are used, employed and promulgated by the City of Delray Beach. The Internal Auditor shall also be responsible for the performance of such other duties assigned by the City Commission. The Internal Auditor shall review any matter related to city business upon the request of a majority of the City Commission or the City Manager.


    Authority . To the degree necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the office, the Internal Auditor shall have the power and authority to:


    Conduct financial and compliance, economy and efficiency, and performance audits of city government and city officials with written reports submitted to both the City Commission and the City Manager.


    Have free and unrestricted access to government employees, officials, records, and reports and, where appropriate, require all branches, departments and officials of city government to produce documents, files and other records.


    Employ such other administrative, professional, expert and clerical assistance as is necessary, subject to City Commission approval, to carry out the Internal Auditor's required duties.

(Ord. No. 31-15 , § 2, passed 11/17/15)