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  • (A)

    There is hereby established an exemption of fifty (50) percent of any local business tax levied for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation in the City, when such privilege is exercised at a permanent business location or branch office located in an enterprise zone of the City.


    Such exemption applies to each classification for which a receipt is required. Classifications shall be the same in an enterprise zone as elsewhere in the City. Each receipt issued with the exemption authorized in this Section shall be in the same general form as the other municipal receipts and shall expire at the same time as those other receipts expire. Any receipt issued with the exemption authorized in this Section is nontransferable. The exemption authorized in this Section does not apply to any penalty authorized in Section 110.99.


    The City shall issue to each person who may be entitled to the exemption a receipt pursuant to the provisions contained in this Section. Before a receipt with such exemption is issued to an applicant, the City must, in each case, be provided proof that the applicant is entitled to such exemption. Such proof shall be made by means of a statement filed under oath with the City, which statement indicates that the permanent business location or branch office of the applicant is located in an enterprise zone.


    Any receipt obtained with the exemption authorized in this Section by the commission of fraud upon the City shall be deemed null and void. Any person who has fraudulently obtained such exemption and thereafter engages, under color of the receipt, in any business, profession or occupation requiring the receipt shall be subject to prosecution for engaging in a business, profession or occupation without having the required receipt.

(Ord. No. 63-06, § 1, passed 11/21/06)