§ 112.03. DEFINITIONS.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:

    Alarm. The sound or signal of an alarm system.

    Alarm malfunction. The activation of any alarm which results in the response of the Police Department or the Fire Department, caused by mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation or lack of proper maintenance or any other response for which Police or Fire Department personnel are unable to gain access to the premises for any reason, or are unable to determine the apparent cause of the alarm activation.

    Alarm registration. A registration issued by the City Manager or his designee allowing the operation of an alarm system within the City of Delray Beach and signifying compliance of the alarm system with the provisions of this Chapter.

    Alarm system. Any mechanical, electrical or radio-controlled device which is designed for the detection of smoke, fire, unauthorized entry or other activity requiring urgent attention, and which when activated emits a sound or transmits a signal or message beyond the premises to alert others of an emergency situation.

    Alarm technician. Any person who inspects, installs, repairs or performs maintenance on alarm systems and is licensed by the State of Florida or works under a state-licensed alarm contractor.

    Alarm user. Any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity in control of any building, structure, facility or premises, or portion thereof, where an alarm system is located and maintained.

    Automatic telephone dialing device or digital alarm communicator. An alarm system which automatically transmits a recorded message or coded signal over regular telephone lines by direct connection or otherwise, indicating the existence of the emergency situation that the alarm system is designed to detect.

    Enforcement official. As to security/burglar alarm systems, the Chief of Police or his designated representative; as to fire alarm systems, the Fire Chief or his designated representative.

    False alarm. An alarm for which a governmental agency has made an inspection of the premises within a reasonable time after the activation of an alarm and finds no apparent reason for the alarm except a possible alarm malfunction or an activation that sounds with no physical evidence of prying, forcing, or damaging to access points of a structure. An alarm is not considered a false alarm if the alarm is activated by unusually violent conditions of nature or due to malicious causes beyond the control of the alarm user.

    Limited response. The Police Department shall respond only to verified emergencies, i.e. crime in progress, panic button, silent alarm, call from person on site or alarm company to report a crime.

    Premises. Any building, structure or facility and adjoining property which is protected by and upon which is installed an alarm system.

    Required operative alarm system. An alarm system which the owner of a premises is required to maintain in an operative condition pursuant to statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation of any governmental entity.

    Smoke detector. A device which detects the visible or invisible particles of combustion.

(Code 1980, § 2.5-2; Ord. No. 68-83, passed 9/13/83; Am. Ord. No. 1-95, passed 1/17/95; Ord. No. 44-10, § 1, passed 1/4/11)