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  • An auctioneer's license may be revoked by the City Manager, or an application for issuance or renewal of the license may be refused by the City Manager, if he determines, after notice and hearing:


    That the applicant or license holder is not an individual of good moral character and business responsibility;


    That the application of the applicant or license holder contains any false, fraudulent or misleading material statement;


    That the applicant or license holder has made any false, fraudulent or misleading material statement in the course of conducting an auction sale of, or in offering for sale at auction, any real or personal property (goods, wares or merchandise) in the City;


    That the applicant or license holder has perpetrated a fraud upon any person whether or not fraud was perpetrated in the conduct of an auction in the City;


    That the applicant or license holder has violated any of the State's statutes relating to auctions or auctioneers;


    That the applicant has been convicted of any crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; or


    That the applicant or license holder has conducted an auction sale of, or offered for sale at auction, any real or personal property (goods, wares or merchandise) in the City in an unlawful manner or in a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or a menace to the health, safety or general welfare of the public.

(Code 1980, § 6-7)