Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person eighteen (18) years of age or older to engage in peddling or solicitation activities within the City of Delray Beach without first obtaining an Occupational License issued by the Chief Building Official or his/her designee; provided, however, that the following are exempted from the provisions of this Section:


    The following are exemptions from prohibited acts under Section 118.03:


    Any solicitation made upon premises owned or occupied by an organization upon whose behalf the solicitation is made;


    Any communication by an organization soliciting contributions solely from persons who are members of the organization at the time of such solicitation;


    Any solicitation in the form of a collection at a regular meeting, assembly or service of a charitable person; or


    Any solicitation for the relief of any individual specified by name at the time of the solicitation where the solicitor represents in each case that the entire amount collected shall be turned over to the named beneficiary; or


    Authorized solicitors and peddlers that are participating in City-sponsored or co-sponsored special events and parades; or


    Any solicitation on private commercial property for charitable purposes so long as the private commercial property owner has given prior consent to the use of his/her property for purposes of soliciting patrons thereof.


    Authorized news racks and U.S. Mail.

(Ord. No. 45-04, § 1, passed 8/3/04)