Latest version.
  • (A)

    No person shall install, or allow to be operated on his premises within the City, any apparatus which may cause objectionable radio or television interference, unless this apparatus is effectively guarded by proper interference-eliminating or -mitigating equipment.


    Any apparatus which can be proved to be interfering with radio or television reception within the City shall immediately be declared a public nuisance by the Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspector shall immediately give notice of this fact in writing to the person operating this apparatus and require the person to eliminate the interference within twenty-four (24) hours, or within a further time as the Electrical Inspector shall determine is necessary.


    Any person failing or refusing to install effective mitigating equipment on any radio or television interfering apparatus, or failing or refusing to eliminate the radio or television interference by replacing the interfering apparatus with apparatus which does not interfere with radio or television reception, within twenty-four (24) hours, or a further time as the Electrical Inspector shall determine is necessary, after receipt of the notice, shall be guilty of a violation of this Code.

(Code 1980, § 16-15)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 10.99