Latest version.
  • (A)

    No person shall endanger or disturb the public peace, or violate public decency by using any abusive, obscene or profane language; or making any threats of violence to or against any other person or persons, or by using profane, obscene and indecent language; or by being noisy and disorderly in or upon any street, square or other public place within the City limits; or by engaging in any noisy or riotous conduct to the disturbance of the public tranquility; or by carrying any arms, such as pistols, knives (except pocket knives), or any other deadly weapon concealed about his person; or by making any indecent exposure of his person in any street, square or public place; or by discharging any gun or pistol or other firearms; or by keeping a disorderly house; or engaging in or committing any malicious mischief.


    It shall be unlawful for any person while in any public place within the City, individually or in concert with others, to do any act or create any condition, which does or is calculated to encourage, aid, abet or start a riot, public disorder or disturbance of the peace, and it shall not be necessary to prove that the person was solely responsible for the public disorder, but only that his appearance, manner, conduct, attire, condition, status or general demeanor was the motivating factor that resulted in the disturbance of the peace. Any person who refuses, when commanded by a Police Officer of the City to leave the aforesaid public place immediately, shall be guilty of an offense for refusal to obey the order or command of a Police Officer, and deemed to be a rioter or disturber of the peace.

(Code 1980, §§ 16-7, 16-9; Am. Ord. No. 40-79, 6/11/79)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 10.99