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  • Each public employer and bargaining agent shall negotiate a grievance procedure to be used for the settlement of disputes between employer and employee, or group of employees, involving the interpretation or application of a collective bargaining agreement. The grievance procedure shall have as its terminal step a final and binding disposition by an impartial neutral, mutually selected by the parties; however, an arbitrator or other neutral shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, modify, or alter the terms of a collective bargaining agreement. If an employee organization is certified as the bargaining agent of a unit, the grievance procedure then in existence may be the subject of collective bargaining, and any agreement which is reached shall supersede the previously existing procedure. All public employees shall have the right to a fair and equitable grievance procedure, administered without regard to membership or nonmembership in any organization, except that certified employee organizations shall not be required to process grievances for employees who are not members of the organization. A career service employee shall have the option of utilizing the civil service appeal procedure or a grievance procedure established under this Section, but an employee cannot use both a civil service appeal and a grievance procedure.

(Code 1980, § 20-11; Am. Ord. No. 74-77, passed 12/12/77; Am. Ord. No. 70-79, passed 10/8/79)