Latest version.
  • The Code Enforcement Board shall be composed of seven (7) regular members, along with two (2) alternate members, appointed by the City Commission. Appointments to both regular and alternate member positions shall be on the basis of experience or interest in the fields of zoning and building control. The regular and alternate membership of the Board shall, whenever possible, include an architect, a business person, an engineer, a general contractor, a subcontractor, and a Realtor.

(Code 1980, § 2-104(a); Ord. No. 78-79, passed 12/10/79; Am. Ord. No. 63-80, passed 11/10/80; Am. Ord. No. 51-82, passed 8/24/82; Am. Ord. No. 65-84, passed 8/28/84; Am. Ord. No. 6-93, passed 2/9/93)

State law reference

Membership, F.S. § 162.05(1).