Latest version.
  • Each regular member and alternate member appointed to the Code Enforcement Board shall possess, in addition to experience or interest in the fields of zoning and building control, the following minimum qualifications, where appropriate:


    The architect and the engineer shall be registered under the laws of the State regulating the practice of architecture and engineering, or shall possess similar qualifications under the laws of other states, or shall have actual experience deemed by the City Commission to be equivalent to such registration.


    The general contractor and the subcontractor shall possess a valid certificate of competency and business tax receipt recognized and accepted under the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City regulating the business of contracting, and where required, State registration as a contractor, or shall possess similar qualifications under the laws of other states, or shall have actual experience deemed by the Commission to be equivalent to a certification.


    The Realtor shall be licensed under the laws of the State licensing real estate brokers as either a broker or a salesperson, or shall possess similar qualifications under the laws of other states, or shall have actual experience deemed by the Commission to be equivalent to licensing.


    The businessperson shall be actively engaged in any lawful business within the City and shall hold a current and valid business tax receipt issued by the City, or shall be an officer or employee of a business entity holding a current and valid business tax receipt issued by the City, or shall have actual experience deemed by the Commission to be equivalent to a certification.


    Each regular and alternate member of the Code Enforcement Board shall be a resident of the City.

(Code 1980, § 2-104(c); Ord. No. 78-79, passed 12/10/79; Am. Ord. No. 63-80, passed 11/10/80; Am. Ord. No. 51-82, passed 8/24/82; Am. Ord. No. 65-84, passed 8/28/84; Ord. No. 03-18 , § 2(Exh. A), passed 2/20/18)

State law reference

Residency requirements, F.S. § 162.05(1).