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  • The existence of any connection, conductor, meter alteration, or any device whatsoever, which affects the diversion of water without the same being measured or registered by or on a meter installed by the Water Department, or which affects the use of water furnished by the Water Department without its being measured or registered on a meter provided therefor, or the flowing of water through that meter after having been shut off for nonpayment of charges or other reason and before the service is restored by an authorized employee of the Water Department, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to violate and of the violation of this Chapter by the person using or receiving the direct benefits from the use of water passing through a connection, device, or meter, or of being used without being measured or registered on a meter as aforesaid, or of being used without payment of charges therefor.

(Code 1980, § 29-32; Ord. No. 23-82, passed 3/23/82)