Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person other than an authorized employee of the Water Department to turn on water service; or to tamper or meddle with any meter or other appliance or any part of the water system in a manner as to cause loss or damage to the Water Department; or to prevent any meter installed for registering water from registering the quantity which otherwise would pass through the same; or in any way to hinder or interfere with the proper action or just registration of any meter; or fraudulently to use, waste, or suffer the waste of water passing through any meter, pipe, or fitting, or other appliance or appurtenance connected with or belonging to the Water Department, after that meter, pipe, fitting, appliance, or appurtenance has been tampered with, injured, or altered.

(Code 1980, § 29-31; Ord. No. 23-82, passed 3/23/82)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 52.99.