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  • (A)

    Required. In addition to the meter installation charge, there shall be connection charges as follows:


    There shall be a water connection charge of seven hundred eighty-eight dollars ($788.00) per connection of each residential unit. One residential unit connection is herein defined to be any family living unit, and, where two (2) or more families are living on the same premises, each shall be considered as a separate residential dwelling unit. In apartment buildings, condominiums, cooperatives, duplexes, resort dwelling units, and the like, and per each trailer space in a trailer park, each living unit shall be considered as one residential unit connection.


    There shall be a nonresidential and irrigation water connection charge which shall be based on seven hundred eighty-eight dollars ($788.00) per equivalent residential connection (E.R.C.). The following water connection charges are hereby established for nonresidential and irrigation service:

    Meter Size
    E.R.C. Connection
    ¾ 1.00 $   788.00
    1 1.67 1,315.96
    3.33 2,624.04
    2 5.33 4,200.04
    3 11.67 9,195.96
    4 21.00 16,548.00
    6 46.67 36,775.96
    8 80.00 63,040.00
    10 126.67 99,815.96



    Outside City. The connection charges to users wholly outside the corporate limits of the City shall be twenty-five (25) percent higher than for the applicable charge to users within the corporate limits of the City.


    Limitation on Use of Fees. The connection fee received by the City under this Section shall be used for the purpose of providing the pro rata shares of construction costs to install adequate size major water distribution lines, ground storage tanks, and repumping facilities all in conformance with the City's water master plan and for any other capital expenditures caused by new users or as pledged impact fees. The City shall establish a separate account into which these fees shall be deposited. The money in this account shall be expended by the City only for the herein referred to purposes and these expenditures shall only be made for locations in reasonable proximity to the development or unit for which the fees were charged or in locations and for projects which are directly impacted by that development.


    [Payment Required for Authorization.] Subject to the applicability of Section 50.03, any connection fee for a given residential dwelling unit or its equivalent required under this Section shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of any authorization to connect to the City's water system.

(Code 1980, § 29-15; Ord. No. 23-82, passed 3/23/82; Am. Ord. No. 59-90, passed 12/11/90; Am. Ord. No. 62-90, passed 1/8/91; Am. Ord. No. 55-93, passed 11/23/93; Am. Ord. No. 21-98, passed 6/2/98)