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  • (A)

    General Prohibitions. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the Treatment Works any pollutant or wastewater which causes pass through or interference. These general prohibitions apply to all users of the Treatment Works whether or not they are subject to categorical pretreatment standards or any other national, State, or local pretreatment standards or requirements.


    Specific Prohibitions. These specific prohibitions exemplify but do not limit the general prohibitions found at subsection 53.051(A) above. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the Treatment Works the following pollutants, substances, or wastewater:


    Pollutants which create a fire or explosive hazard, including, but not limited to, waste streams with a closed-cup flashpoint of less than 140°F (60°C) using test methods specified in 40 CFR 261.21;


    Wastewater having a pH less than 5.5, or greater than 9.5, or otherwise causing corrosive structural damage to the Treatment Works or equipment;


    Solid or viscous substances in amounts which will cause obstruction of the flow in the Treatment Works resulting in interference, such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups and milk containers;


    Pollutants, including oxygen-demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.) released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which, either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, will cause interference;


    Wastewater having a temperature greater than 150° (65°C), or which will inhibit biological activity in the treatment plant resulting in interference, but in no case wastewater which causes the temperature at the introduction into the treatment plant to exceed 104°F (40°C);


    Petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral-oil origin, in amounts that will cause interference or pass through;


    Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the Treatment Works in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems;


    Industrial waste haulers may discharge loads only at locations designated by the City. No load may be discharged without prior consent of the City. The Director may require samples to be collected of each hauled load to ensure compliance with applicable standards. The Director may require the industrial waste hauler to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge;


    Noxious or malodorous liquids, gases, solids, or other wastewater which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are sufficient to create a public nuisance or a hazard to life, or to prevent entry into the sewers for maintenance or repair;


    Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, which consequently imparts color to the treatment plant's effluent, thereby violating the City's NPDES permit;


    Stormwater, surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, condensate, deionized water, noncontact cooling water, and unpolluted wastewater, unless specifically authorized by the Director;


    Sludges, screenings, or other residues from pretreatment of industrial wastes;


    Medical wastes, except as specifically authorized by the City in a wastewater discharge permit;


    Wastewater causing, alone or in conjunction with other sources, the Treatment Plant's effluent to fail a toxicity test;


    Detergents, surface-active agents, or other substances which may cause excessive foaming in the Treatment Works;


    Fats, oils, or greases, whether emulsified or not, or wastewater containing fats, oils or greases, whether emulsified or not, in concentrations in excess of one hundred (100) mg/l or substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between thirty-two (32) degrees Fahrenheit and one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit (zero (0) degrees Celsius and sixty-five (65) degrees Celsius), and provided further that the user complies with the requirements of the City's high-strength sewer surcharge system.


    The City is obligated to develop and enforce local limits necessary to implement and enforce the general and specific prohibitions (40 CFR 403.5). Such local limits may be imposed on industrial users directly through the sewer use ordinance, through industrial user permits, and through additional control mechanisms the City intends to use as part of its pretreatment program. The City may also develop best management practices (BMPs) to implement local limits. Such BMPs shall be considered local limits and pretreatment standards for the purpose of this Chapter.


    Local limits for the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board apply to the sanitary sewer.


    No person shall discharge wastewater containing pollutants in excess of local limits for those pollutants which have been established for the City of Delray Beach WWFs using standard procedures, calculations and methods acceptable to FDEP to protect against pass through, interference, protection of WWF employees, and adverse effects on wastewater residuals disposal. No industrial user shall discharge process waste streams, unregulated waste streams, or dilute waste streams in excess of the concentrations set forth by the Director. Local limits shall be included as permit conditions and attached to each SIU wastewater permit issued.


    The established local limits are subject to change and shall be modified as needed based on regulatory requirements and standards, WWF operation, performance and processes, the industrial user base, potable water quality and domestic wastewater characteristics. Modifications to the established local limits must be reviewed and approve by FDEP prior to implementation. Implementation shall be effective 30 days from notice of acceptance of the modified limits by FDEP, Permitted SIUs shall also be issued an addendum to their wastewater discharge permit containing the new local limits.


    The established local limits apply at the point where the wastewater is discharged to the WWF. All concentration for metallic substances are for total metal unless indicated otherwise. At his or her discretion, the director may impose mass limitations in addition to or in place of the concentration-based limitations.


    A copy of the approved local limits is available upon request at the following location:

    • City of Delray Beach
    434 South Swinton Ave.
    Delray Beach, FL 33444

    • South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Board
    1801 N. Congress Avenue
    Delray Beach FL, 33445

(Ord. No. 22-94, passed 5/3/94; Am. Ord. No. 84-94, passed 10/18/94; Ord. No. 4-02, § 10, passed 2/19/02; Ord. No. 61-09, § 3, passed 1/5/10; Ord. No. 25-12, § 2, passed 8/21/12)