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    Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this Section is to provide for the implementation of the Oil and Grease Management Program and the Surcharge Program. The objective of the Oil and Grease Management Program is to minimize the introduction of fat-soluble wastes to the collection system. The objective of the Surcharge Program is to recover the costs from users for receiving and treating abnormally high-strength compatible wastes, such as CBOD and TSS.


    Oil and Grease Prevention Program.


    The discharge by a user to the Public Sewer of certain liquids or wastes is prohibited unless authorized under the provisions of this Section.


    Wastes which contain oil and grease may be discharged to the Public Sewer in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Section.


    Wastes containing oil and grease, including materials processed through garbage grinders, shall be directed to a grease interceptor or trap.


    Wastes containing residual (trace amounts) petroleum-based oil and grease shall be directed to an oil/water separator.


    Sanitary facilities and other similar fixtures shall not be connected or discharged to an oil and grease interceptor or an oil/water separator.


    Liquid wastes shall be discharged to an oil and grease interceptor or oil/water separator through the inlet pipe only and in accordance with the design/operating specifications of the device.


    Oil and grease interceptors and oil/water separators shall be installed in a location that provides easy access at all times for inspections, cleaning and proper maintenance, including pumping.


    Minimum removal efficiency for oil and grease interceptors for animal fats and vegetable oils shall be eighty (80) percent. Minimum removal efficiency for oil/water separators for trace petroleum based wastes shall be ninety (90) percent.


    The Director may request that the nonresidential user provides documentation on the design and performance of the oil and grease interceptor or oil/water separator, including but not limited to, catalog cuts, performance data, materials of construction, installation instructions and operation and maintenance manual.


    The Director at his/her discretion may assign a nonresidential user to the surcharge program if, in his opinion, discharges from the nonresidential connection will have a negative impact on the Treatment Works.




    Oil and grease interceptors and oil/water separators shall be designed and constructed in accordance with this Section, the City's Engineering Standards Manual, latest edition, and other applicable State and local regulations. Design and construction shall be approved by the City.


    The design of oil/water separators shall be based on peak flow and, where applicable, capable of treating and removing emulsions. Oil/water separators shall be sized to allow efficient removal (retention) of the petroleum-based oils and grease from the user's discharge to the Public Sewer.


    Alternative oil and grease removal devices or technologies shall be subject to written approval by the City and shall be based on demonstrated (proven) removal efficiencies. Under-the-sink oil and grease interceptors are prohibited for new facilities.


    An adequate number of inspection and monitoring points, such as a control manhole or inspection box, shall be provided.


    [Capacity.] The capacity of the approved oil and grease interceptor and oil/water separator shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the latest edition of the engineering standards manual. The Director may modify the requirements on a case by case basis.




    Cleaning and maintenance shall be performed by the user. Cleaning shall include the complete removal of all contents, including floating materials, wastewater, and bottom sludge and solids.


    Decanting, backflushing or discharging of removed wastes back into the oil and grease interceptor of [or] oil/water separator from which the waste was removed or any other oil and grease interceptor or oil/water separator, for the purpose of reducing the volume to be hauled and disposed is prohibited.


    Oil and grease interceptors and oil/water separators shall be pumped out completely at a minimum frequency of once every ninety (90) days, or more frequently as needed to prevent carry over of oil and grease into the collection system. Under-the-sink oil and grease traps shall be cleaned at a minimum frequency of once per week, or more often as necessary to prevent pass through of grease and other food solids to the collection system. Cleaning and maintenance shall include removal of materials from the tank walls, baffles, cross pipes, inlets and outlets.


    Pumping frequency shall be determined by the City based on flows, quantity of oil and grease in the discharge, volume of business, hours of operations and seasonal variations. However, in no event shall the time frame between the pumping of the oil/water interceptor or oil/water separator exceed ninety (90) days. The user shall be responsible for maintaining the oil and grease interceptor or oil/water separator in a satisfactory condition for efficient operation. An interceptor shall be considered to be out of compliance if the grease layer on top exceeds six (6) inches and the solids layer on the bottom exceeds twelve (12) inches or if removal efficiencies as determined through sampling and analysis indicate less than eighty (80) percent.


    Wastes removed from each oil and grease interceptor or oil/waste separator shall be disposed of at a facility permitted to receive such wastes or a location designated by the City for such purposes, in accordance with the provisions of this Section. In no way shall the pumpage be returned to any private or public portion of the collection system or the treatment plants, without prior written approval from the Director.


    Additives placed into the oil and grease interceptor, (oil/water separator) or building discharge line on a constant, regular or scheduled basis shall be reported to the City in writing at least five (5) days prior to use. Such additives include, but are not limited to, emulsifiers, enzymes, commercially available bacteria or other additives designed to absorb, purge, consume, treat or otherwise eliminate grease and oils. Any use of additives shall be approved in writing by the Director prior to introduction into the waste stream, interceptor or separator. The use of additives, shall, in no way be considered as a substitution for the maintenance procedures required herein.


    Facility Information.


    A log of pumping activities shall be maintained by the user for the previous twelve (12) months. The log of pumping activities shall be posted in a conspicuous location for immediate access by city personnel. The log shall include the date, time, volume pumped, hauler's name and license number and hauler's signature. The user shall report pumping activities within forty-eight (48) hours to the City on the form so designated by the City for such purposes.


    The user shall maintain a file on site of the records and other documents pertaining to the facility's oil and grease interceptor or oil/water separator. Required file contents shall include, as a minimum, the record (as-built) drawings, record of inspections, log of pumping activities and receipts, log of maintenance activities, hauler information, disposal information and monitoring data. The file shall be available at all times for inspection and review by the Director.


    Enforcement and Noncompliance.


    Noncompliance with the requirements of this Section may result in enforcement action by the City including, but not limited to, termination of water service.


    The user shall pay all outstanding fees, penalties and other utility charges prior to reinstatement of water and sewer service.


    Any user in the Oil and Grease Management Program found in violation of the provisions in this Section, and any orders, rules, regulations and permits that are issued pursuant to the Chapter, shall be served by the City with written notice by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail that states the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for satisfactory correction of the violation. The affected user shall permanently cease all violations within the time period specified in the notice.

(Ord. No. 4-02, § 15, passed 2/19/02)