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  • (A)

    A surcharge shall be applied over and above the standard sewer use fee when the wastes from any lot or parcel of land, upon which there is located any building or activity, contain B.O.D., oil/grease, C.O.D., ammonia, or suspended solids concentration higher than defined in Sections 53.050 through 53.056 of this Chapter.


    The surcharge in dollars shall be computed by the formulas included in this subchapter established for the user charge and industrial cost recovery system.

    Computation of surcharges will be based on effluent analyses at a frequency determined by the user's water consumption as follows:


    Monthly effluent analyses for water consumption at more than one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per month;


    Semiannual effluent analyses for water consumption less than one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per month.

    Surcharges will remain in effect until a new effluent analysis is required or changed based on interim analyses by the user using a Certified Water Testing Laboratory at the user's expense.

    Sewer surcharges will be separately billed on the utility bill prepared monthly for each user of the Treatment Works. Surcharges shall be subject to prevailing regulations and penalties for late payments or nonpayment. Reimbursements of surcharge related monitoring expenses initiated by the City of Delray Beach are required in accordance with Section 53.132(B)(2).


    Nothing in this Chapter shall restrict the City from making additional adjustments in rates if it is found that the nature or quantity of the waste creates an additional burden on the system or if those adjustments are necessary to comply with regulations of the State Department of Environmental Regulation or the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

(Ord. No. 22-94, passed 5/3/94)