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  • It is the intent of the City of Delray Beach to promote the public health, safety and general welfare by: providing for the placement or maintenance of communications facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way within the City; adopting and administering reasonable rules and regulations not inconsistent with State and Federal law, including F.S. (2000) Section 337.401, as it may be amended, the City's home-rule authority, and in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other Federal and State law; establishing reasonable rules and regulations necessary to manage the placement or maintenance of communications facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way by all Communications Services Providers; and minimizing disruption to the Public Rights-of-Way. In regulating its Public Rights-of-Way, the City shall be governed by and shall comply with all applicable Federal and State laws.

(Ord. No. 50-01, § 1, passed 9/19/01)