§ 57.10. INSURANCE.  

Latest version.
  • A Registrant shall provide, pay for and maintain insurance satisfactory to the City. All insurance shall be from responsible companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida and having a rating reasonably acceptable to the City. All liability policies shall provide that the City is an additional insured as to the activities under this ordinance. The required coverages must be evidenced by properly executed certificates of insurance forms. The certificates must be signed by the authorized representative of the insurance company and shall be filed and maintained with the City annually. Thirty (30) days' advance written notice by registered, certified or regular mail or facsimile as determined by the City must be given to the City of any cancellation, intent not to renew or reduction in the policy coverages. The insurance requirements may be satisfied by evidence of self-insurance or other types of insurance acceptable to the City.

(Ord. No. 50-01, § 1, passed 9/19/01)