§ 59.04. DEFINITIONS.  

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  • As used in this article, the following words and phrases have the meaning ascribed herein, unless a different meaning is set forth in another section of this Chapter or the context clearly indicates otherwise.

    Backflow prevention assembly. A backflow prevention assembly shall mean a device and/or method of construction used to prevent backflow into a potable and/or reclaimed water system. The type of assembly used shall be based on the degree of hazard, either existing or potential.

    City. City of Delray Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation.

    Cross connection. Any physical arrangement whereby a potable and/or reclaimed water supply is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other system capable of imparting contamination to the potable and/or nonpotable water supply as the result of backflow.

    Customer. Any person, dwelling unit, agent, property owner, developer, user, company, municipal corporation, political subdivision, homeowners association or other entity which accepts or receives reclaimed water service or benefits directly from services rendered by the department.

    Department. The City of Delray Beach Environmental Services Department.

    Development. All projects with nonresidential connections and all residential projects including twenty (20) or more dwelling units.

    Director. The Director of the City of Delray Beach Environmental Services Department or the duly authorized representative.

    Dwelling unit. A single unit designated or intended for one-family occupancy (a household of one or more persons), including, but not limited to, one single-family house, one-half of a duplex, one apartment, or one mobile home.

    Irrigation. The use of water to maintain and enhance the growth of lawns, shrubs, trees, or edible crops as set forth in Chapter 62-610, Florida Administrative Code.

    Person. Includes individuals, firms, associations, joint ventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, corporations, and all other groups or combinations.

    Point of service. The outlet side of the Department's reclaimed water meter box or other point identified on construction plans which ends the Department's ownership, operation and maintenance responsibility.

    Property owner. One in whom the legal title to real estate is vested as recorded in the public records of the State of Florida.

    Reclaimed water. Water that has received at least secondary treatment and basic disinfection and is reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility (Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-610).

    Reclaimed water distribution system. A network of pipes, generally eight-inch diameter and smaller, along with valves, meters, and related appurtenances designed to convey and distribute reclaimed water from Reclaimed Water Transmission System to the Department's side of the point of service.

    Reclaimed water irrigation system. A network of pipes, pumping facilities, storage facilities, sprinkler heads, and appurtenances on the customer's side of the point of service designed to convey and apply reclaimed water.

    Reclaimed water transmission system. A network of pipes, generally ten-inch diameter and larger, along with pumping facilities, storage facilities, and related appurtenances designed to convey and transmit reclaimed water from one or more wastewater treatment facilities to the Reclaimed Water Distribution System. Service connections will generally not be made to the transmission system.

    Retail customer. Any single family residential connection regardless of meter size, and any multifamily residential or nonresidential connection requiring a meter size less than two (2) inches.

    Service. The readiness and ability on the part of department to furnish reclaimed water to the property.

    Service initiation. The date a reclaimed water meter is installed.

    Utility service area. The area encompassed by the City's Planning Area as shown on the Future Land Use Map in the City's Comprehensive Plan exclusive of the Country Club Acres development lying west of Military Trail.

    Wholesale customer. Any multifamily residential or nonresidential connection requiring a meter size of two (2) inches or larger.

(Ord. No. 27-05, § 1, passed 5/17/05; Ord. No. 67-05, § 1, passed 9/20/05)