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  • (A)

    The registered owner of a vehicle is responsible and liable for payment of any parking ticket violation. The owner of a stolen vehicle is not responsible for a parking ticket violation from the date it is reported stolen to the Police Department.


    Any person issued a parking ticket by a parking enforcement specialist or officer shall be deemed to be charged with a noncriminal violation and shall comply with the directions on the ticket. In the event that payment is not received or a response to the ticket is not made within the time period specified thereon, the County Court, its Traffic Violations Bureau, or the City shall notify the registered owner of the vehicle which was cited, by mail to the address given on the motor vehicle registration, of the ticket. Mailing of the notice to this address shall constitute notification. Upon notification, the registered owner shall comply with the Court's or City's decision.


    Any person who fails to satisfy the Court's or City's directive shall be deemed to waive his right to pay the applicable civil penalty.


    Any person who elects to appear before a designated official to present evidence shall be deemed to have waived his right to pay the civil penalty provisions of the ticket. The official, after a hearing, shall make a determination as to whether a parking violation has been committed and may impose a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus court costs. Any person who fails to pay the civil penalty within the time allowed by the Court or the City shall be deemed to have been convicted of a parking ticket violation, and the Court as well as the city shall take appropriate measure to enforce collection of the fine.


    Any provision of divisions (B), (C) and (D) above to the contrary notwithstanding, the provisions of F.S. Ch. 318 shall not apply to violations of the City's regulations.


    The clerk of the Circuit Court, the Traffic Violations Bureau or the City shall supply the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with a magnetically encoded computer tape reel or cartridge which is machine readable by the installed computer system at the department, or similar digital file, listing persons who have three (3) or more outstanding parking violations or one or more outstanding violations of F.S. § 316.1955. The department shall mark the appropriate registration records of persons so reported. If the applicant's name appears on the list referred to herein, no license plate or revalidation sticker shall be issued until such person's name no longer appears on said list or until the applicant presents a receipt from the clerk showing that such parking fines have been paid.

(F.S. § 316.1967; Am. Ord. No. 5-92, passed 2/11/92; Ord. No. 22-02, § 7, passed 7/2/02; Ord. No. 07-18 , § 19, passed 6/5/18)