Latest version.
  • (A)

    No person shall drive, propel or cause to be driven or propelled along or over any road within any park, any vehicle at a greater rate of speed than posted, and in any event, not more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour.


    No person shall use, operate or propel or cause to be used, operated, or propelled a hang glider, power glider, powered paraglider, parachutes, motorized parasail or any other similar craft that flies overhead except for hot air balloons, airplanes, jets and/or helicopters at the following altitudes:


    Less than five hundred (500) feet above the corporate limits of the City, except in an emergency or while talking off and landing which shall be made in the most direct and prudent manner.


    Less than three hundred (300) feet above the Atlantic Ocean in the area within three hundred (300) horizontal feet of the shoreline.


    No person shall park or store any motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, wagon or other vehicle within a park, recreation or municipal beach site except in places designated for such purposes.


    Laws of the City requiring lights on vehicles shall apply to vehicles in a park, recreation or municipal beach site.


    Vehicles shall be restricted to drives, roadways, paths, walks and trails established for such purposes. Footpaths or walks designated for pedestrian travel shall not be used for vehicular travel.


    No motor vehicles shall be driven upon the municipal beach without a written permit from the Parks and Recreation Department except for emergency vehicles, maintenance vehicles, and vehicles used to transport injured and disabled persons authorized by the City.


    All ordinances of the City with respect to vehicles shall be in full force and effect in the parks of said City.


    No person shall ride any horse or other animal within any park and recreation site, except upon bridle paths designated as such.

(Ord. No. 39-03, § 2, passed 10/7/03; Ord. No. 53-06, § 1, passed 10/17/06; Ord. No. 15-13, § 2, passed 8/20/13)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 101.99.