§ 101.35. STORING BOATS.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    For the purpose of this Section, "municipal beach" shall mean the same area designated in Section 101.15.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to store, leave or park any boat on the municipal beach except in accordance with the regulations set forth in this Section.


    Nonmotorized boats not exceeding twenty (20) feet in length may be stored on the municipal beach provided that:


    The owner of the boat has obtained a boat storage permit from the City.


    The boat is stored only in the area of the municipal beach designated for boat storage.


    The area of the municipal beach in which boat storage under this Section will be permitted is as follows: Bounded on the north by the north right-of-way line of Beach Drive designated by the Florida Department of Transportation as SLD MP 10.358; on the south by a line parallel to the north right-of-way line a distance of five hundred (500) feet at right angles south; on the west by the western edge of the sand portion of the municipal beach; and on the east by a line running north and south at right angles to the north right-of-way line of Beach Drive that is ten (10) feet west of the average mean high tide line. This area shall be indicated on the municipal beach by appropriate signs to be erected by the City administration.


    The owner of a boat who desires to store it in the area designated above shall make application to the City for a boat storage permit on or after the second week in September. Such permits shall be effective from October 1 of the current year to September 30 of the next year. The permits shall be issued upon receipt of the application. Applications may be picked up from the Parks and Recreation Department at any time during the year for any remaining permits that have not been issued. Applications shall be in a form to be prescribed by the City containing as a minimum the name and address of the boat owner, together with any identifying registration numbers of the boat issued by other governmental agencies, and the type or model of boat for which application is being made. The maximum number of boat storage permits which may be outstanding at any time shall be determined by the City Manager but shall not exceed the number permitted under the regulations, permission or permit of the department of natural resources.


    The permit fee to be submitted with the application shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), plus applicable taxes.


    Each boat storage permit shall be issued to be effective for a period that coincides with the City's fiscal year. All permits shall expire annually at the end of the City's fiscal year regardless of the date of issuance.


    The City shall affix a notice to any boat on the municipal beach without the proper permit. The notice shall advise the owner that in the event a current boat storage permit is not obtained and the boat remains on the municipal beach after October of the current year, the boat owner will be subject to a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) per day for each day the boat remains on the municipal beach. If the boat remains on the municipal beach for ten (10) days in violation of this provision, it shall be subject to impoundment by the City and in addition to paying the ten dollar ($10.00) per day fine (which shall also be applicable during the period of impoundment), the boat owner as a condition precedent to obtaining the return of his boat shall be responsible for all expenses of the City in impounding it and all storage costs thereof.

(Code 1980, § 17-31; Ord. No. 33-79, passed 5/29/79; Am. Ord. No. 51-79, passed 8/13/79; Am. Ord. No. 120-85, passed 11/12/85; Am. Ord. No. 94-87, passed 11/10/87; Am. Ord. No. 148-88, passed 11/22/88; Am. Ord. No. 60-89, passed 9/26/89; Am. Ord. No. 14-95, passed 3/21/95; Ord. No. 28-10, § 1, passed 9/7/10)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 101.99.