§ 90.01. DEFINITIONS.  

Latest version.
  • [For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:]

    Abandoned motor vehicle. Any motor driven vehicle regardless of size which is left unattended for a period exceeding seventy-two (72) hours or which meets the criteria under any one of the definitions below for "Abandoned property" or "Dismantled motor vehicle" or "Inoperable motor vehicle or "Wrecked motor vehicle."

    Abandoned property. All tangible personal property which does not have an identifiable owner and which is wrecked or inoperable or partially dismantled or unlicensed or discarded or which has no apparent intrinsic value to the owner.

    Antique motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle of the age of thirty-five (35) years or more which is registered with the State of Florida pursuant to F.S. Section 320.086.

    Dismantled motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle that has had parts removed therefrom and which does not or cannot meet the requirements for operation upon the public streets such as, but not limited to, those contained in F.S. Chapter 316.

    Dismantled vessel. Any vessel that has had parts removed therefrom and which does not or can not meet the requirements for operation upon the waters of the State.

    Enforcement officer. Those employees or other agents of the City designated by ordinance, or duly authorized and appointed by the City Manager, whose duty it is to enforce city codes. This definition shall include law enforcement officers.

    Inoperable motor vehicle. A motor vehicle shall be deemed inoperable if it does not meet the requirements for operation upon the public streets of the City of Delray Beach, including, but not limited to, being unlicensed, wrecked, abandoned, in a State of disrepair or incapable of being moved under its own power. However, this shall not apply to motor vehicles located on private property owned or leased by automobile dealers, new or used, possessing a current, valid occupational license; nor shall this definition apply to any antique or collector vehicle which is registered with the State, pursuant to F.S. Section 320.086.

    Inoperable vessel. A vessel which does not meet the requirements for operation on the waters of the State for reasons such as, but not limited to, being unlicensed, unregistered, in a state of disrepair, wrecked, or abandoned.

    Motor vehicle. A vehicle or conveyance which is self-propelled and designed to travel along the ground, and includes, but is not limited to, automobiles, buses, mopeds, motorcycles, trucks, tractors, go-carts, golf carts, campers, motorhomes, and trailers.

    Private property. Any real property within the City which is privately owned and which is not defined as public property herein.

    Public property. Lands and improvements owned by the Federal Government, the State, a County or a municipality including sovereignty submerged lands located adjacent to the county or municipality, buildings, grounds, parks, parking lots, beaches, playgrounds, streets, sidewalks, parkways, rights-of-way, and other similar property.

    Unlicensed motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle for which there is no current license or registration on file with an authorized governmental agency.

    Unlicensed vessel. A vessel for which there is no current certificate of registration with the State Department of Environmental Protection.

    Vessel. Includes every description of watercraft, barge, and air boat, other than a seaplane on the water, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.

    Wrecked motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle which is damaged due to collision or any other reason and which does not or can not meet the requirements for operation upon the public streets such as, but not limited to, those contained in F.S. Chapter 316.

    Wrecked vessel. Any vessel which is damaged due to collision or any other reason or which does not or can not meet the requirements for operation on the waters of the State.

(Ord. No. 74-86, passed 11/11/86; Am. Ord. No. 16-96, passed 4/2/96; Ord. No. 29-00, § 1, passed 11/7/00)