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  • (A)

    The City adopts by reference and incorporates into this Code as though fully set out herein, that certain code, as it may from time to time be amended, known as the Florida Fire Prevention Code, and the incorporated standards.


    The City adopts by reference and incorporates into this Code, as though fully set out herein, those specific codes and standards, from the Florida Fire Prevention Code. In addition to the codes adopted by the Florida Fire Prevention Code, the City of Delray Beach adopts National Fire Protection Association codes listed below and as they may be amended:

    NFPA 18 2017 Standard on Wetting Agents
    NFPA 53 2016 Recommended Practice on Materials. Equipment, and Systems Used in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
    NFPA 56 2017 Standard for Fire and Explosion Prevention During Cleaning and Purging of Flammable Gas Piping Systems
    NFPA 472 2013 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents
    NFPA 473 2013 Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents
    NFPA 496 2017 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment
    NFPA 502 2017 Standard for Road Tunnels. Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways
    NFPA 720 2015 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment
    NFPA 730 2014 Guide for Premises Security
    NFPA 731 2017 Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premises Security Systems
    NFPA 780 2017 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems
    NFPA 820 2016 Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment for Collection Facilities
    NFPA 1072 2017 Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications
    NFPA 1124 2017 Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, and Storage of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles
    NFPA 1730 2016 Standard on Organization and Deployment of Fire Prevention Inspection and Code Enforcement, Plan Review, Investigation,
    NFPA 1991 2016 Standard on Vapor-Protective Ensembles for Hazardous Materials Emergencies
    NFPA 1992 2012 Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles and Clothing for Hazardous Materials Emergencies


    The City hereby adopts the following amendments to the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire Protection Association, N.F.P.A. Pamphlet No. 1, included in the Florida Fire Prevention Code, adopted in this Chapter:


    Section 13.3.2 is amended to include the following language:

    Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems as hereinafter defined shall be installed throughout hereinafter constructed buildings and structures or appropriate sections thereof:


    The following buildings of an institutional or educational character; all hospitals, ambulatory, surgical or treatment centers, nursing homes, homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabilitation facilities, day care centers caring for more than 12 clients under 1 year of age, adult congregate living facilities, and all occupancies and uses of similar nature to those herein stated, without regard to the type of construction or height of the building or structure involved.


    All new construction involving wood or partial wood frame buildings or structures which are 2 stories or more than 20 feet in height as measured from finish ground floor grade to the underside of the topmost roof assembly. Single-family homes, duplexes and townhouses shall be exempt from this requirement except as provided in section (d) below. For reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing structures where the total area of the addition/renovation included in the modification does not exceed 50 percent of the area of the building, the work shall be considered exempt from this requirement.


    All buildings or structures regardless of the type of construction which are 3 or more occupied stories or have three (3) or more unoccupied stories as deemed required by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Occupied story is defined by N.F.P.A. 101 the Life Safety Code as a story occupied by people on a regular basis. Stories used exclusively for mechanical equipment rooms, elevator penthouses, and similar spaces are not occupiable stories.


    All buildings or structures regardless of the type of construction which are in excess of 12,000 square feet per floor, or an aggregate of 12,000 square feet if there is unprotected communication between floors or intermediate spaces.


    All portions or sections of buildings or structures which are below grade or which constitute the basement area of a building or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of construction. The automatic fire sprinkler systems herein referred to and the installation thereof which is required by this ordinance shall be as contained in and provided for with the applicable standard specified for this section under appendix A of this Fire Prevention Code.


    Section is amended to include the following language:

    All hereafter constructed buildings and structures more than 3 stories in height or 36 feet in height or all buildings more than 2 stories in height and more than 30,000 square feet per floor level, shall be equipped with approved Class 1 standpipes to provide reasonable safety to persons and property.

    For purposes of this section, height is measured from finish ground floor grade to the underside of the topmost roof assembly.


    Section 13.2.3 is amended to include the following language:

    All systems, equipment, tanks, piping, devices, appliances, controls, or storage facilities over which the code contains regulatory provisions, or which are required by any other law, shall be maintained in operative condition at all times to provide the service for which installed.

    All fire sprinkler, standpipe, and fire pump systems shall be annually inspected, serviced, and maintained under a written service contact with service companies licensed by the State of Florida to provide such services and which possess a current occupational license for the City of Delray Beach providing for regular maintenance and testing of the systems in accordance with the applicable standards specified under Appendix A of this Fire Prevention Code and N.F.P.A. 13A, N.F.P.A. 14A and N.F.P.A. 25.

    The service company performing the maintenance and tests shall forward a written report to the Fire-Rescue Department indicating the nature of any repairs, modifications, and/or corrections completed by the service company, the date and time of such tests and inspections and any other information which may be required by the fire-rescue services department. In addition, a copy of the service report must be maintained on the premises, and it shall be subject to inspection by the Fire-Rescue Department at anytime.


    Section is amended to include the following language:

    Valves on connections to water supplies, sectional control and isolation valves, and other valves in supply pipes to sprinklers and other fixed water based fire suppression systems shall be supervised by an approved Central station signaling service.


    Section is amended to include the following language:

    Remote monitoring locations shall not be permitted to verify fire alarm signals prior to reporting them to the Fire-Rescue Department.

(Ord. No. 105-87, passed 12/22/87; Am. Ord. No. 66-92, passed 1/12/93; Am. Ord. No. 20-98, passed 6/2/98; Ord. No. 11-04, § 4, passed 2/17/04; Ord. No. 8-05, § 1, passed 2/15/05; Ord. No. 10-06, § 1, passed 2/21/06; Ord. No. 14-08, § 1, passed 3/18/08; Ord. No. 09-09, § 3, passed 2/17/09; Ord. No. 19-11, § 1, passed 6/21/11; Ord. No. 30-11, § 1, passed 9/20/11; Ord. No. 02-12, § 1, passed 1/17/12; Ord. No. 43-17 , § 1, passed 11/20/17)