§ 96.05. FIRE HYDRANTS.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    All fire hydrants shall be placed in a position so as to be accessible at all times from a paved road no less than twenty-four (24) feet in width.


    Fire hydrant spacing shall be in accordance with the following:


    In single-family and duplex residential districts, not more than five hundred (500) feet between hydrants.


    In multifamily residential districts (townhouses, garden apartments, cluster developments and the like, and similar buildings two (2) stories or less in height), not more than four hundred (400) feet between hydrants.


    In multifamily residential districts with buildings more than two (2) stories in height, all commercial districts, all business districts, all industrial districts, and special hazard applications, not more than three hundred (300) feet between hydrants.


    Areas with divided or multilane road systems should have hydrant distribution on both sides of the highway, with curb and median cuts considered, utilizing spacing criteria listed above when existing and proposed parallel mains will support this criteria.


    Measurement of spacing shall be by way of road travel.

(Code 1980, § 11-5; Am. Ord. No. 8-90, passed 3/27/90; Ord. No. 46-02, § 2, passed 10/1/02; Ord. No. 09-09, § 2, passed 2/17/09)