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  • Those persons permitted to use those restricted-use pesticides shall only use the same in the City in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services governing the use thereof; except that the following additional rules and regulations shall also apply in this City:


    Permit. A person must obtain and have in effect all permits required by State law or regulation.


    Notice. Before using any highly toxic pesticide, reasonable and practical prior notice shall be given by the applicant to property owners or occupants of property within one hundred (100) feet of the area where that chemical is to be sprayed or spread in any manner.


    Manner of Use. Spraying technique shall conform to the State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services' current regulations governing commercial spraying of lawns and ornamental shrubbery in residential areas with highly toxic pesticides. In addition thereto, highly toxic pesticides must be applied with a Spraying Systems Vee-Jet, Delevan WF Series, or similar type nozzle operating at no greater pressure at the nozzle than eighty (80) pounds pressure per square inch.


    [Disposal of Containers.] Disposal of containers of highly toxic pesticides shall be only in a sanitary landfill approved by the State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.

(Code 1980, § 13-34)

Cross reference

Penalty, § 97.99.