§ 1.1.5. Effective date and applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Effective date. The effective date of these Land Development Regulations shall be October 1, 1990.


    New submissions. The provisions of these Land Development Regulations shall apply to each and every development application and permit, which is regulated by these Regulations, which is submitted and accepted for processing on, or subsequent to October 1, 1990.


    Previous submissions. Any development application or permit application which was accepted prior to October 1, 1990, and which was in processing and did not receive a final action thereon as of October 1, 1990, shall continue to be processed under all applicable regulations which existed prior to that date. For the purposes of processing such applications, the provisions of prior codes and regulations shall apply including but not limited to: processing, authority for action, development standards, and appeals.


    Change of regulations prohibited. A development application or a permit application shall not be subject to or processed by provisions from these current regulations and previous regulations, except as specifically provided for herein. If an applicant desires a previously submitted application to be subject to these regulations, it shall first be necessary that the previous application be withdrawn and a new application, attendant with fees and all required material, be submitted.