§ 1.4.3. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Code Enforcement Board/Hearing Officer and County Court. When The City Code Enforcement Board/Hearing Officer and County Court in Palm Beach County shall have concurrent jurisdiction to hear and decide cases seeking compliance with these regulations or an order to correct a violation and when a hearing is sought with respect to an alleged violation, the matter shall be decided by the Code Enforcement Board/Hearing Officer pursuant to Chapter 37 of the City Code. [Amd. Ord. 55-07 1/15/08]


    A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for any building, or structure, or portions thereof, that fails to meet all applicable requirements of these Land Development Regulations. The use of a building without proper issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy is a violation of Code and shall be grounds for issuance of a stop work order or cease and desist order by the Chief Building Official, and other remedies set forth herein.


    Nothing herein shall prevent the City of Delray Beach from taking such other lawful action deemed necessary to prevent or remedy any violation.


    The neglect of individually designated historic structures and/or structures located within historic districts shall constitute a "nuisance" violation of the City's Code of Ordinances pursuant to Section 100.10. [Amd. Ord. 55-07 1/15/08]