§ 2.4.9. Certification of actions taken.  

Latest version.
  • This Section sets forth responsibilities with respect to insuring that an action taken by the City on a development application is understood by the applicant; and sets forth the procedures for obtaining a certified copy of any such action.


    Responsibilities of the applicant. It is the responsibility of an applicant, or his agent, to keep abreast of the status of his development application. Correspondence from the City to a designated agent is the only act required by the City with respect to notification of status. Actions of a review Board or the approving body are not required to be provided to the applicant or agent. However, upon written request a certified copy of minutes or a letter of certification shall be provided.


    Certification of plans.


    Site and development plan. When a site and development plan has been approved, or approved subject to conditions: upon receipt of a revised plan which includes all required modifications, the Director, or his designee, shall have the site plan stamped "Approved" and affix his signature. One such copy shall be provided to the agent, one to the Building Department, and one shall be retained in the Planning Division's project file. All subsequent development activity shall be carried out pursuant to a certified site plan.


    Landscaping plan: When such plans have been approved, or approved subject to conditions: upon receipt of a revised plan which includes all required modifications, the City Horticulturist shall have the landscaping plan stamped "Approved" with an affixed signature. One such copy shall be provided to the agent, one to the Planning Division for the Project File, and one retained by the City Horticulturist. All landscaping shall be carried out pursuant to a certified landscape plan.


    Architectural elevations: Architectural elevations shall be certified and distributed in the same manner as is a site and development plan.


    Recording of plats: [Amd. Ord. 46-95 9/5/95]


    Financial guarantee required: Upon approval of the final plat for a subdivision, a reproducible mylar of the plat shall be executed by the Mayor and other appropriate officials. The signed mylar shall be retained by the City Engineer until the recording fee [2.4.3(K)] and a financial guarantee (2.4.10) for the installation and/or warranty of public improvements has been filed. [Amd. Ord. 46-95 9/5/95]


    Plat recording: Upon release by the City Engineer, the City Clerk shall cause the final plat to be recorded in the public records. Building permits shall not be issued for structures until such time as the plat has been recorded. [Amd. Ord. 46-95 9/5/95]


    Recording other documents: Whenever documents are to be recorded as a condition of approval, the applicant is responsible for recordation and providing certified copies of the recorded document to the City Clerk in a number as prescribed by the Clerk. Recordation of official City documents (e.g. a Resolution of Abandonment of an Easement) shall be made under the auspices of the City Clerk. [Amd. Ord. 46-95 9/5/95]