§ 4.1.4. Use of lots of record.

Latest version.
  • Any lot, or parcel, which qualifies as a lot of record as set forth in these Regulations, but which does not comply with respect to minimum lot area and minimum lot dimensions specified for the zoning district in which it is located, may nevertheless be used (for purposes as allowed in that zoning district), as long as it complies with all other requirements of that zoning district, subject to the following limitations: [Amd. Ord. 78-94 10/18/94]


    Duplex and multiple family structures may not be constructed on a lot which has an area less than that provided for as the minimum lot area within the zoning district. [Amd. Ord. 78-94 10/18/94]


    A residential structure shall not be constructed on any lot, within a residential zoning district, which has frontage of less than 50 feet. However, this provision shall not prevent construction of a residential structure on a Single Family Lot (or Parcel) of Record which conforms with all other aspects of minimum lot size requirements but which has no frontage. Further, such a Lot of Record with no suitable access may achieve private access for a single family residence and similar uses by means of a nonpublic (private) access easement. [Amd. Ord. 78-94 10/18/94]


    Except for single family residences subject to the R-1-A (Single Family Residential) zoning district standards, if two or more adjoining lots (or combination of lots and portions of lots) of record were under the same ownership as of October 18, 1994, and if the total frontage and the total area is equal to or greater than that which is required by the zoning district regulations, said property shall not be developed except in accordance with the minimum frontage and lot area requirements of the district. Ownership shall be determined by the property tax rolls on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office as of October 18, 1994. [Amd. Ord. 11-00 5/16/00]; [Amd. Ord. 78-94 10/18/94]

    Notwithstanding the above, a waiver to this requirement may be granted by the City Commission pursuant to the provisions of LDR Section 2.4.7(B). Notice of the request shall be provided pursuant to Section 2.4.2(B)(1)(n) to the owners of all property located within 500 feet of the perimeter of the property on which the waiver is being sought. The notice shall be mailed no later than ten calendar days prior to the meeting before the City Commission. [Amd. Ord. 11-00 5/16/00]

    For properties located within designated historic districts, or designated as historic sites, or properties listed on the Local Register of Historic Places, the Historic Preservation Board shall review the request prior to the City Commission meeting and shall forward its recommendation on the request to the City Commission. Notification of the request shall be as described above, except that the mailing of the notices shall occur no later than ten calendar days prior to the meeting before the Historic Preservation Board. [Amd. Ord. 11-00 5/16/00]


    Within the R-1-A, RL and RM zoning districts, lots of record having at least 40 feet of frontage may be used for Workforce Housing, as long as the workforce housing unit meets the typical designs represented by the sketches set forth in Section 4.7.12(a), the lot is a minimum of 4,000 square feet and conforms to setbacks; provided, however, the minimum side setback may be reduced to a minimum five feet if necessary to accommodate the designs set forth in Section 4.7.12(a) and meets other development standards in the zoning district. The Workforce Housing unit on a lot with frontage as herein described must include rear access via an alley, if available. The unit must also contain design features such as, but not limited to, front porches, eyebrows, outriggers, gables, dormers, arbors, trellises, shutters, balconies, decorative vents, siding, textured stucco finishes, undulating facades and other such appropriate architectural features. [Amd. Ord. 20-06 4/4/06]


    Variances for lot size, dimensions and frontage, and building setbacks and minimum floor area may be granted for the relocation of a historic structure onto a lot in order to protect the structure. If the relocation lot is not individually designated historic or located within a historic district, then an individual historic designation shall be required in accordance with Section 4.5.1(C) and shall be reviewed concurrently therewith in order for a variance to be granted. All variance requests for relocation of historic structures must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Board in accordance with Sections 4.5.1 (D) and (J) for consideration. [Amd. Ord. 38-07 2/5/08]