§ 4.4.1. Agriculture Zone District (A).
§ 4.4.2. Rural Residential (RR) Zone District.
§ 4.4.3. Single Family Residential (R-1) Districts.
§ 4.4.4. Mobile Home (MH) District.
§ 4.4.5. Low Density Residential (RL) District.
§ 4.4.6. Medium Density Residential (RM) District.
§ 4.4.7. Planned Residential Development (PRD) District.
§ 4.4.8. Reserved.
§ 4.4.9. General Commercial (GC) District.
§ 4.4.10. Automotive Commercial (AC) District.
§ 4.4.11. Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District.
§ 4.4.12. Planned Commercial (PC) District.
§ 4.4.13. Central Business (CBD) District.
§ 4.4.14. Resort/Tourism (RT) District.
§ 4.4.15. Planned Office Center (POC) District.
§ 4.4.16. Professional and Office (POD) District.
§ 4.4.17. Residential Office (RO) District.
§ 4.4.18. Planned Commerce Center (PCC) District.
§ 4.4.19. Mixed Industrial and Commercial (MIC) District.
§ 4.4.20. Industrial (I) District.
§ 4.4.21. Community Facilities (CF) District.
§ 4.4.22. Open Space (OS) District.
§ 4.4.23. Conservation (CD) District.
§ 4.4.24. Old School Square Historic Arts District (OSSHAD).
§ 4.4.25. Special Activities District (SAD).
§ 4.4.26. Light Industrial (LI) District.
§ 4.4.27. Open Space and Recreation (OSR) District.
§ 4.4.28. Central Business District-Railroad Corridor (CBD-RC).
§ 4.4.29. Mixed Residential, Office And Commercial (MROC) District.

NOTE: Each individual zoning district, except Central Business District, is structured as follows. This Article sets forth a description of each of the zoning districts established in Section 4.1.1 by addressing: [Ord. No. 03-15 2/24/15]




Principal Uses and Structures Permitted


Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted


Conditional Uses and Structures Allowed


Review and Approval Process


Development Standards by Reference to 4.3.4


Supplemental District Regulations by Reference to Article 4.6


Special Regulations, as appropriate

Reference to a zone district by its symbol shall be interpreted to be a reference to its full title i.e., (A) is equivalent to Agriculture Zone District.