§ 4.4.2. Rural Residential (RR) Zone District.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Purpose and intent. The Rural Residential (RR) Zone District has been created in order to establish areas throughout the City where large lot and estate development may occur, be promoted, and be preserved and to encourage the preservation of a semi-rural residential character without the maintenance of farm size acreage.


    Principal uses and structures permitted. The following types of use are allowed within the (RR) District as a permitted use:


    Single family detached dwellings.


    Family Community Residence, except as required by state law, that (1) is at least 660 linear feet from the closest existing community residence housing four or more individuals as measured from the nearest property line of the proposed community residence to the nearest property line of the existing community residence, and (2) the operator or applicant is licensed or certified by the State of Florida to operate the proposed community residence, has certification from an appropriate national accrediting agency, or has been recognized or sanctioned by Congress to operate the proposed community residence. [Amd. Ord. 23-01 5/1/01] (Ord. No. 25-17, § 10, 7-18-17)


    Public educational facilities of The School District of Palm Beach County, pursuant to the regulations set forth in Section 4.3.3 (HH).


    Reserved. [Amd. Ord. 01-10 1/19/10]


    Reserved. [Amd. Ord. 10-11 4/5/11]


    Accessory uses and structures permitted. The following uses are allowed when a part of, or accessory to, the principal use:


    The keeping of livestock normally associated with a rural environment such as: fowl, goats, horses, and ponies. However, the keeping of such livestock is for domestic use only; commercial use or sale of such livestock is prohibited.


    Uses and structures normally associated with residences such as: bird aviaries, boat docks, dog houses and dog runs, garages, greenhouses, guest cottages, playhouses, pool houses and covers, pump houses, slat houses, storage sheds, tennis courts, workshops, and home occupations.


    Urban Agriculture pursuant to regulations set forth in Section 4.3.3(D). (Ord. No. 07-17, § 4, 5-16-17)


    Conditional uses and structures allowed. Except for family and transitional community residences as specified here, there are no conditional uses listed based upon the premise that the RR District is to preserve a rural lifestyle and the introduction of other uses within the District is inappropriate to that end. (Ord. No. 25-17, § 11, 7-18-17)


    Family Community Residence, except as required by state law, that (1) is less than 660 linear feet from the closest existing community residence housing four or more individuals as measured from the nearest property line of the proposed community residence to the nearest property line of the closest existing community residence, or (2) the State of Florida does not require the operator or applicant to be licensed or certified to operate the proposed community residence, has no certification from an appropriate national accrediting agency, or has not been recognized or sanctioned by Congress to operate the proposed community residence. (Ord. No. 25-17, § 11, 7-18-17)


    Transitional Community Residence, except as required by state law. (Ord. No. 25-17, § 11, 7-18-17)


    Review and approval process. All principal uses and accessory uses thereto shall be allowed upon application to and approval by the Chief Building Official for structures which require a building permit and otherwise complying with applicable use restrictions.


    Development standards. The development standards as set forth in Section 4.3.4 shall apply.


    Supplemental district regulations. The supplemental district regulations as set forth in Article 4.6 shall apply.