§ 4.4.26. Light Industrial (LI) District.  

Latest version.
  • [New Section Enacted by Ord. 20-93 2/23/93]


    Purpose and intent. The Light Industrial Zone District provides an opportunity to site, develop, and maintain high quality industrial land uses outside of an industrial park setting. It also allows certain industrial land uses to be located in areas which are considered to be environmentally or aesthetically sensitive. This LI District is appropriate in such areas due, in part, to the development standards which are more strict than those found in the "I" and "MIC" Districts.

    While the LI District has flexibility in its application (it is compatible with both Industrial and Commerce designations on the Future Land Use Map), it is not to be applied to small lots or other circumstances which would lead to non-conforming site development.


    Principal uses and structures permitted. The following types of uses are allowed within the Light Industrial (LI) Zone District as a permitted use:


    Research and development. Research and Development (R&D) uses involve either some degree of product creation, testing, evaluation, and development or the providing of testing and evaluation services for products produced by others. However, this use does not include the actual manufacture, assembly, fabrication, or other processing techniques which result in either the distribution or sale, either wholesale or retail, of products from the premises. Further, when located within Wellfield Protection Zone 1, 2, or 3, materials used in such testing and evaluation shall not exceed an aggregate amount of 25 gallons per gross acre of land area for any material which is listed on the Regulated Substance list as maintained per Section 4.5.5(B) (Wellfield Protection). [Amd. Ord. 74-94 10/18/94]


    Wholesaling, storage, and distribution. The wholesaling, storage, and distribution of any product, however, when located within Wellfield Protection Zone 1, 2, or 3, the products may not include those which are listed on the Regulated Substance list as maintained per Section 4.5.5(B) (Wellfield Protection). [Amd. Ord. 74-94 10/18/94]


    Industrial (manufacturing, assembly). Only manufacturing and assembly operations are allowed. When located within Wellfield Protection Zone 1, 2, or 3, any materials used in such operations shall not exceed an aggregate amount of 25 gallons per gross acre of land area for any material which is listed on the Regulated Substance list as maintained per Section 4.5.5(B) (Wellfield Protection). [Amd. Ord. 74-94 10/18/94]


    Office. General business offices and business services are allowed. However, professional offices dealing with medical activities and medicine are not permitted.


    Self-service Storage Facilities. Self-service Storage Facilities, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.3.3(A). (Ord. No. 15-16, § 3, 9-20-16)


    Urban Agriculture pursuant to regulations set forth in Section 4.3.3(D). (Ord. No. 07-17, § 14, 5-16-17)


    Accessory use and structures permitted. The following uses are allowed when a part of, or accessory to, the principal use:


    Parking lots.


    Refuse storage areas.


    Monitoring Wells.


    Retailing of items processed on the premises but only to the extent of no more than ten percent of the floor area of the structure or use area devoted to the item, but in no case to exceed 2,500 square feet of display and sales area. [Amd. Ord. 20-93 2/23/93]


    Repair. Repair use is allowed only to the extent that it is consistent with or for items which may be manufactured or assembled within this zone district.


    Outdoor storage of vehicles and boats, as an accessory to the self-service storage facility, subject to the provisions of Section 4.3.3(A)(7), and Section 4.6.6(C)(2), Restrictions on Outside Usage: Outside Storage. (Ord. No. 15-16, § 4, 9-20-16)


    Truck rentals as an accessory use to self-service storage facilities, subject to the provisions of Section 4.3.3(A)(8), and Section 4.6.6(C)(2), Restrictions on Outside Usage: Outside Storage.(Ord. No. 15-16, § 4, 9-20-16)


    Urban Agriculture pursuant to regulations set forth in Section 4.3.3(D). (Ord. No. 07-17, § 14, 5-16-17)


    Conditional uses and structures allowed. The following uses are allowed as conditional uses within the LI Zone District:


    Rental and Sales of Modular Structures.

    DELETED (2) AND RENUMBERED [Amd. Ord. 21-97 6/3/97]


    Food preparation and/or processing including bakeries and catering operations.


    Principal Uses which require the storage and/or use of regulated substances in a manner other than allowed under Subsection (B).


    Review and approval process.


    In established structures, uses shall be allowed therein upon application to, and approval by, the Chief Building Official for a certificate of occupancy.


    For any new development, approval must be granted by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board pursuant to Sections 2.4.5(F), (H) and (I).


    Conditional uses must be reviewed and approved pursuant to Section 2.4.5(E).


    Development standards. The development standards as set forth in Section 4.3.4 shall apply except as modified herein.


    For each foot in height above 25 feet, front and street-side setbacks shall be increased by one foot.


    Except as further modified below, the LI Zone District shall not be applied to any lot which does not meet these standards; however, under a unified development plan which contains control for site maintenance and provides for cross-access and mutual use, lots below the District minimum may be created for ownership purposes only, provided that the minimum development area requirements are met. [Amd. Ord. 1-04 2/3/04]


    Wallace Drive Overlay District Development Standards: Within the Wallace Drive Overlay District, as defined in Section 4.5.8(A), the Development Standards depicted in the Section 4.3.4(K) Development Standards Matrix, shall be the same as those of the MIC (Mixed Industrial and Commercial) zoning district. [Amd. Ord. 1-04 2/3/04]


    Supplemental district regulations. The Supplemental District Regulations as set forth in Article 4.6 shall apply except as provided for herein.


    Truck and equipment storage. Trucks, vans, and equipment may be stored in designated areas provided that such areas shall not be located along collector or arterial roadways or across from residential properties. Such areas shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and rights-of-way in a manner approved by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board.


    Special district regulations. The following regulations apply on property zoned LI.


    Overhead doors shall not face adjacent rights-of-way except when it is clearly demonstrated that no opportunity exists to do otherwise.


    All required setback areas shall be landscaped with no paving except for driveways and walkways leading to structures on the premises. Such driveways and walkways shall be generally perpendicular to the property line.


    Except in the Wallace Drive Overlay District, as defined in Section 4.5.8(A), a minimum floor area of, at least 4,000 square feet per tenant or bay shall be provided with the exception of office (business) uses. [Amd. Ord. 1-04 2/3/04]


    All industrial operations and activity on the premises, except loading and unloading, shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building.


    Attention is drawn to Section 4.5.5(B) (Wellfield Protection) and Section 4.4.20 (Industrial Zone District) as they pertain to uses allowed in this LI District and protection of municipal wells and wellfields.