§ 4.6.8. Lighting.  

Latest version.
  • All developments/redevelopments are encouraged to utilize energy efficiency lighting.

    Artificial lighting used to illuminate premises shall be directed in such a way to minimize light spillover on adjacent properties and reduce urban glow. In general any lighting requirements not covered by this section should follow the standards in the latest edition of ASHRAE/IESNA related to Exterior Lighting. When lighting is proposed within the vicinity of the beach it shall comply with all other City of Delray Beach Code Sections, including, but not limited to, Section 91.51 (Sea Turtles) which requires that all lighting shall be screened or shielded so that the light is not visible from the beach. In addition, the following standards shall be adhered to: [Entire Section Amended by Ord. 41-08 11/3/08]


    General requirements.


    Luminaries height. The following chart indicates maximum heights allowed for luminaries.

    Table 1

    Buildings and Structures 25' or eave overhang whichever is lower
    Parking Lots
    Residential 25'
    Industrial 25'
    Commercial 25'
    Parking Structure
     Top Floor 15' if within 20' of
    structure edge
    20' if greater than 20' from structure edge
    Specialty Lighting Per IESNA latest edition



    Cutoff luminaire required. All perimeter exterior lighting shall be full cutoff luminaries to minimize spillover on adjacent properties. In order to decrease urban glow, no luminaries shall be directed upwards.


    Illumination standards. The following illumination standards shall be adhered to:

    Table 2

    Outdoor Lighting Max Illumination
    Min Illumination
    Max/Min Average/Min
    Buildings and Structures
    Accent pathway 5.0 (2) 0.5
    Building Entrance 10.0 1.0 3:1
    Landscape Lighting 5.0
    Canopies, Drive-Thru and Overhangs 30.0 3.0 10:1 2.5:1
    Parking Lots
    Multi-Family Residential 4.0 0.3 13:1
    Commercial and Industrial 12.0 1.0 12:1 3:1
    Parking Garages/Structures
    Parking Area 10 1.0 10:1 4:1
    Ramps - Day 20 2.0 10:1
    Ramps - Night 10 1.0 10:1
    Entrance Area- Day 500 50 10:1
    Entrance Area - Night 10 1.0 10:1
    Stairways 5.0 2.0 10:1
    Specialty Lighting
    Golf Courses, Outdoor Entertainment, Parks Refer to latest edition of IESNA Lighting Handbook
    Other Lighting Types
    Outdoor Display other than Vehicle Sales and Rental 15 (1) 1.0 15:1 4:1
    Outdoor display associated with Vehicle Sales and Rental Refer to LDR Section 4.4.10(G)(6)



    1. The first row closest to public rights-of-way of display outdoor sales may be increases to a max of 20 foot candles.

    2. Fully shielded bollards not greater than 42 inches in height may be permitted up to a max of 20 foot candles.

    3. The values for entrance area only applies to the first 66 feet inside the structure as it is needed to effect a transition from bright daylight to lower internal levels.


    Night hours reduction and security. Full cutoff luminaries shall be used for all security lighting and dusk-to-dawn area lighting. Outdoor illumination, including areas used for outdoor sales and display, eating, parking, assembly, service of equipment and freight, loading and unloading, repair, maintenance, commercial activities and industrial activities shall not continue after 11:00 p.m., or more than one hour after active use of the area ceases, whichever is later, except for security lighting. Security lighting shall be required for all active entrances to buildings, parking lots and access to buildings or parking lots. All security lighting shall maintain lighting levels as indicated in Table 2 and shall operate from dusk until dawn. No outdoor recreational facility shall be illuminated after 11:00 p.m. except to conclude a scheduled or sanctioned recreational or sporting event by City of Delray Beach or other authorized agency in progress prior to 11:00 pm. The luminaries shall be extinguished after outdoor recreational events are completed and the site has been vacated. Exceptions would include recreational facilities that are open to the public on a 24-hour basis.


    Requirements for outdoor parking areas and commercial sites.


    Standards. The complete installation of the area lighting system shall comply with applicable local codes and ordinances and meet the recommended illumination levels and uniformity ratios of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (I.E.S.), as set forth in this specification. The responsibility for performance to this specification, in its entirety, cannot be split up among individual suppliers of components comprising the system, but must be assumed solely by a single supplier.


    Testing. Upon completion of installation, the system shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer, at his discretion, to determine compliance with criteria set forth herein. Computer verification shall be made available upon his request.


    Design criteria.


    General. In determining a lighting design, consideration shall be given to the architectural and environmental aspects of the facility it is to serve. This consideration shall be instrumental in determining type of fixture mounting height, and light source.


    Light control and spillage. For perimeter exterior lighting, only full cutoff luminaries will be approved. The applicant is encouraged to minimize light spillage from building and site and to reduce urban-glow for the development/redevelopment proposed. Maximum allowable illumination at the property line of any adjoining parcel or public right-of-way is 0.25 horizontal and vertical foot-candles measured at six feet above grade level.


    Street light requirements. Street light requirements for public rights-of-way shall meet the requirements of the City's Street Light Policy.


    Temporary lighting. Lighting classified as temporary lighting for public festivals, celebrations and the observance of holidays are exempt from this section.


    Deviations. Lighting may vary from this Section to the extent necessary to comply with specific State requirements, i.e., increased intensity required for automatic bank teller areas, etc.