§ 5.1.2. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this section is to promote the public health, safety, comfort and welfare of the City through the harmonious, orderly and, progressive development of land by insuring:


    The establishment of standards for subdivision design which will encourage the development of a sound and economically stable community, and the creation of healthy living environments.


    The efficient, adequate and economic supply of infrastructure and services to land developments.


    The prevention of traffic hazards and the provision of safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation in land developments.


    The provision of public open spaces in land development for recreational, educational, and community facilities.


    Consistency with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan.


    Site design respecting unique environmental characteristics of the site, and preservation of such characteristics to the maximum extent possible.


    The establishment of standards of design and procedures for plats and replats, to further the orderly layout and use of land, and to insure the proper legal description and monumentation of subdivided land.


    Consistency with Florida State Statutes, Chapter 177.