§ 5.1.4. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • The following are hereby exempt from the platting procedure:


    The proposed construction of a new building or structure occupying a previously platted lot in its entirety, to be maintained under a single ownership, or condominium occupied by the owner or lesses holding leases other than a divided land lease or ownership, whereupon no additional right-of-way is required.


    A duplex or triplex residence on an existing street, requiring no extension of water and sewer services.


    The combination or recombination of portions of platted lots where no additional lots are created and the new lots conform to the development regulations for the applicable zoning district in which the properties are located. A survey of the revised lot layout shall be filed with the City Engineer.


    The sale or exchange of parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners where such sale or exchange does not create additional lots and does not reduce any lot to an area less than the development regulations for the applicable zoning district, in which the properties are located, and no dedication or improvements are required under this section. A survey of the revised lot layout shall be filed with the City Engineer.


    Conveyance of undivided interests in previously platted lots subject to conformance with the development regulations for the applicable zoning district in which the property is located.


    Other exemptions may be granted after review and approval by the Development Services Management Group (DSMG).