§ 5.3.3. Water and sewer systems.  

Latest version.
  • (A)



    Whenever subdivision occurs or a development requires the extension of water and/or sewer facilities as provided through the City of Delray Beach Utilities Department, the developer shall comply with all pertinent regulations, controls, and standards as stipulated by the City, the County, and the State. Such compliance shall ensure future users with an adequate water distribution system and sewerage collection system.


    Whenever subdivision or development occurs on property where water and/or sewer facilities are proposed by the Comprehensive Plan or any Water and/or Sewer Master Plan, provisions shall be made for the accommodation of such facilities.


    Plans required. Plans, sufficient for the step in the review process, shall be provided pursuant to Sections 2.4.3(D) and 2.4.3(F). Approval of such plans shall be pursuant to Section 2.4.6(L).


    Dedication required.


    Water and sewer mains and appurtenances thereto, e.g. a fire hydrant, shall be shown on all subdivision plats within easements or rights-of-way dedicated for such purposes. When development occurs absent platting, such mains may be contained within easements (private property) or dedication of right-of-way by deed (public property).


    Sites for City lift stations and water storage facilities shall be shown within a tract dedicated for such purposes. Such tracts shall then be conveyed to the City in fee simple interest.


    Off-site impact assessment. At the time of platting or site plan approval, as appropriate, an investigation shall be made with respect to the items delineated in the following subsections (1) through (4). An initial assessment shall be made by the Director of Utilities; however, if additional information is needed or special investigations are required, such items may be required as a part of the submission materials associated with the development application.


    Lift stations. Adequacy of downstream lift stations and their ability to accommodate flows from the proposed development, existing development, and from previously approved but not yet built development proposals which will continue to be valid at the time of approval of the new development application.


    Water storage. Adequacy of water storage capacity in terms of providing water storage reserve required by level of service standards and for providing water pressure sufficient for fire suppression at the site given demands from the proposed development, existing development, and from previously approved but not yet built development proposals which will continue to be valid at the time of approval of the new development application.


    Water pressure. Adequacy of water pressure in terms of accommodating normal domestic and/or commercial use and in providing sufficient pressure for fire suppression.


    Assessment of support system. Adequacy of the appropriate collection or distribution system with respect to condition of mains, the sizing of mains, and the current capacity of those mains.


    Improvements required.


    In addition to providing water and sewer systems and system components necessary to adequately serve the proposed development, approval of a development application may be conditioned with the construction of improvements which are required to mitigate any adverse impacts determined in Subsection (D), above. Such improvements may include, but not be limited to:

    Upgrade and/or replace lift stations or their components

    Install a new lift station

    Install a new water storage tank

    Loop water mains, on or off site, in order to increase reliability of water flows and pressure

    The replacement of deteriorated mains

    The upgrading in size of existing mains


    When a master plan facility is required on, or for, the property being developed the developer shall provide for the standard installation plus any additional increment which is required to serve his project. The City shall participate in the cost for any additional increase in sizing or construction which is predicated upon the proposed facilities pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan or any Master Sewer and/or Water Plan.


    Mains to be extended. Wherever development occurs which is subject to site plan and/or subdivision approval, water and sewer mains shall be extended from their existing terminus to the furthest boundary of the property involved in order to provide for the continuation of service. However, such extension shall not be required if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, it is determined that there is no reasonable need for such an extension in that there will be no use of it. Where it may not be practical to actually install such facilities concurrent with development of the proposed project, this obligation may be met through the payment of cash. In this latter situation, easements for the mains shall be required.


    Deleted in its entirety. [Amd. Ord. 10-97 2/18/97]