§ 6.1.12. Street signs, furniture, and landscaping.  

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  • (A)

    Street furniture and landscaping. Street furniture such as benches, shelters, and waste baskets must be approved by the City Engineer. Grassing and mulching shall be done in the strip between curbs and sidewalks. Planting of shade trees and street lighting are required, in conformance with pertinent plans approved by the City Engineer.


    Names and numbers. It shall be the duty of the City Planning and Zoning Board to recommend the designation of names and numbers for streets and it shall be the duty of the City Commission to finally determine the designation of names and numbers for streets and the Commission shall not be bound by the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board.


    Street name signs. Street name signs with the approved name properly affixed shall be installed at the intersection of all streets and over rights-of-way at the expense of the developer. Location design of street name signs shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.


    Numbering of buildings and structures. See Section 7.1.5.