§ 7.2.2. Permits and inspections.  

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  • (A)

    Issuance of permits to licensed electricians; exception. Permits to do electrical work will be issued to licensed electricians only, holding a current Florida State registration or certification and registered with the City of Delray Beach, Florida. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]; [Amd. Ord. 21-96 7/9/96]


    The plans shall show the outline of the total floor area, the square feet of the building under consideration, the point at which the service connection is to be made with the public utility or isolated plant, or with another building, the size of service and subfeeder wires, the location of service switches and center, or centers, of distribution, and the arrangement of circuits showing the number of outlets connected thereto, together with location and size of all appliances, motors, and space heating units.


    The installation of the wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heat, or power, within or attached to any building or premises, whether for private or public use, must be done in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted as described in this chapter. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    Any changes or omissions in the wiring system shown on the plans must be made by the owner in the form of a letter setting forth the changes and accepting the responsibilities for the changes. This letter must be addressed to the Building Official or his designee and shall be filed in his office. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    Final inspection and approval; covering uninspected work. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    It shall be unlawful to lath, seal, or in any manner conceal, any electrical wiring or equipment until the same has been inspected and a notice posted as herewith required. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    Using uninspected apparatus. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any electrical current in, or through, any wiring apparatus or fixtures for lights, heat, or power in, or on, any building, structure, lot, or premises within the City without having first received written approval from the Chief Building Official or designee to furnish current for that wiring, apparatus, or fixtures. The approval shall be given by the Chief Building Official or designee at any time after the certificate hereinafter provided shall have been issued. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    Temporary permission to furnish current. [Amd. Ord. 5-03 4/15/03]


    The Building Official or his authorized assistants may, before a certificate of final approval is issued, give temporary permission to connect and furnish electric current to any wiring, apparatus, or fixtures for a period of not exceeding 30 days, if in his opinion, that wiring, apparatus, or fixtures are in a condition that current may be safely connected therewith, and there exists an urgent necessity for such use, when written application is filed with him requesting permission.


    The person or company requesting temporary electrical power shall sign an affidavit stating that it is understood that the service is temporary and may be disconnected upon 48 hour notice at the expiration of the temporary period upon the request of the Building Official. The Building Official may at his option extend the temporary power for an additional 30 day time period. The Building Official shall have the authority to order the power company to disconnect its service wires from any building, structure, lot, or premises when the time period has expired.