§ 7.8.14. Appeals, generally; board of adjustment.  

Latest version.
  • [Amd. Ord. 47-07 10/16/07]


    Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved, or by any officer or bureau of the governing body of the City, affected by any decision of the Chief Building Official concerning interpretation, administration, or enforcement of the following provisions of the Land Development Regulations: [Amd. Ord. 47-07 10/16/07]


    Building regulations: Article 7.1 except Sections 7.1.5 through 7.1.7.


    Gas Code: Article 7.3


    Mechanical Code: Article 7.5


    Plumbing Code: Article 7.6


    Electrical Code: Article 7.2


    Housing Code: Article 7.4


    Unsafe building/structure: Article 7.8


    Moving buildings: Article 7.10


    It is the intent of this subchapter that all questions of interpretation, administration, and enforcement shall first be presented to the Chief Building Official. Questions shall be presented to the Board of Adjustment only as an appeal of the Chief Building Official's determination. Appeals shall be filed in writing via certified U.S. Mail return receipt requested, and received by the Chief Building Official no later than 30 days after receipt of a written decision from the Chief Building Official except as specified in 7.8.9. The form of the appeal is as specified in 7.8.16. The Chief Building Official shall forth with transmit to the Board all papers constituting the record on which the appeal is based. [Amd. Ord. 47-07 10/16/07]