§ 7.9.2. Permits required.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    It shall be unlawful to construct any dock, dolphin, finger pier, or boat lift in the City without first submitting plans and obtaining a building permit therefore from the Building Department. The installation of docks, dolphins, finger piers, and boat lifts shall require the submission to the City in advance of detailed plans and specifications for the proposed work, a plot plan, as-built drawings; plus a final certification of completion and compliance to said engineer's design by a state registered professional engineer before the city's final acceptance. The design and plans shall include as a minimum:


    Waterway typical section.


    Type of soil being penetrated.


    Length of piling, minimum embedment into bottom material, and minimum loading capacity.


    Type and treatment of decking, seats, stringers, and bumpers.


    Type of treatment of wooden piles.


    Type of fastenings to be used.


    American Wood Preservative Association Standards where applicable.


    These plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. The Building Division may adopt, through administrative policies and procedures, and shall review said submittal in accordance with certain minimum design standards, which standards may be amended from time to time to reflect acceptable engineering practice. [Amd. Ord. 40-95 8/8/95]