§ 7.9.7. Standards for approval.  

Latest version.
  • Dolphins may be installed in conjunction with docking and mooring facilities subject to the following conditions:


    No dolphin shall be permitted when the waterway is less than 80 feet in width.


    For waterways 80 feet in width to 100 feet in width, a minimum clear width of 50 feet of waterway channel shall be maintained, and dolphins shall be permitted and may be installed up to 20 feet from the extended property line or seawall or bulkhead, whichever is nearer to the waterway. [Amd. Ord. 40-95 8/8/95]


    For waterways greater than 100 feet in width, the maximum distance a dolphin may be installed shall be 25 feet from the extended property line or seawall or bulkhead, whichever is nearer to the waterway. [Amd. Ord. 40-95 8/8/95]


    For purposes of this division, an extended property line shall mean the extension into the water of a plot line intersecting the property line along the body of water if the extension forms right angles with the property line along the water. When the property line along the body of water is curved, the extended property line shall mean a line extended into a body of water at right angles to the tangent of the curve at the point of intersection with the plot line. [Amd. Ord. 40-95 8/8/95]


    Dolphins shall be constructed of preservative-treated piling with a minimum butt dimension or diameter of ten inches. A dolphin shall be of sufficient length so that after being driven it will extend not less than six feet nor more than eight feet from the water level at mean high tide. All dolphins shall have a reflectorized band approximately two feet below the top of the piling.

    [Amd. Ord. 40-95, 8/8/95]