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  • Before the City Engineer shall approve street plans and specifications, he shall be satisfied that the following requirements and conditions are complied with:


    Standard Reference. The Florida Department of Transportation Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Edition of 1973, and all supplemental specifications, all of which shall be hereinafter referred to as the DOT specifications, are hereby made a part of this subchapter. Where reference is made to the department in the DOT specifications, it shall be construed to refer to the City. Any and all work not specifically mentioned hereafter shall be performed in accordance with the applicable portions of the DOT specifications.


    Clearing and Grubbing. Unless specifically approved in the plans and specifications, the entire width of the right-of-way shall be cleared and grubbed in accordance with Section 110 of the DOT specifications.


    Excavation and Embankment. Excavation and fill, if called for in the approved plans and specifications, shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 120 of the DOT specifications.


    Subgrade. The subgrade shall be uniformly stabilized to a depth of eight (8) inches to produce a Florida bearing value of fifty (50) psi, in accordance with Section 160 in the DOT specifications. A compaction of ninety-eight (98) percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHO Method T-180 shall be deemed sufficient. Unless specifically deleted in the approved plans and specifications, shoulders eight (8) feet in width on each side of the base course shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 160 of the DOT specifications. The subgrade shall be brought to true grade and approved by the City Engineer prior to installation of the base course.


    Base Course.


    A base course of limerock as specified in Section 911 of the DOT specifications shall have a minimum depth of eight (8) inches after compaction, and shall be compacted in two (2) layers to the ninety-eight (98) percent dry density, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 200 of the DOT specifications. Ocala formation or Miami Ocala formation is acceptable; minimum percentage of carbonates (of calcium and magnesium) in limerock material shall be ninety-five (95) percent for Ocala limerock and seventy (70) percent for Miami limerock. The width of the base course shall exceed the width of pavement as called for in the approved plans and specifications by twelve (12) inches on each side. The use of forms for this course will not be required, and the use of suitable equipment shall be approved by the City Engineer. The base course shall be inspected and approved by the City Engineer prior to installation of the prime coat.


    In case the above materials are not available, the City Engineer may allow deviations from the above specifications, or may permit the use of shell rock. Shell material shall be mollusk shell. At least fifty (50) percent (by weight) of total material shall be retained on a No. 4 sieve, not more than seven and one-half (7½) percent (by weight) of the total material shall pass the No. 200 mesh sieve when determined by elutriations (washing), forty (40) percent carbonates by weight. If shell material of the above proportions is not available, deviations may be approved by the City Engineer.


    Priming. After approval, the base course shall be primed and a tack coat applied all in accordance with Section 300 of the DOT specifications.


    Surface Course. The surface course shall be type II hot laid asphaltic concrete and shall have a minimum depth of one and one-half (1½) inches after compaction. Width of paving shall be as called for in the approved plans and specifications and all work shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of Sections 320, 330, 331 and 332 of the DOT specifications. Final inspection and approval of the surface course by the City Engineer shall be required.


    Cleanup. The site shall be cleared of all debris, excess fill and equipment in a good and workmanlike manner as approved by the City Engineer.


    Grade, Drainage. The City Engineer shall approve the grade and drainage facilities for all construction before a permit shall be issued therefor.

(Code 1980, § 23-25)