§ 4.1.1. Establishment of districts.  

Latest version.
  • In order to provide for an orderly system for the establishment and regulation of land uses; to classify, regulate, and restrict the location of buildings designed for business, industrial, commercial, residential, and other uses; to regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; to regulate and determine the areas of open space within and surrounding buildings; to regulate and limit the height and size of buildings; to insure the provision of adequate services e.g. parking, loading, and others; to provide for the protection of environmentally sensitive lands; and to protect the general public from dangerous, undesirable, and adverse consequences of improper land use and design, within the City of Delray Beach the following zone districts are hereby established.


    Base zoning districts. These "Base Zoning Districts" are applied to specific parcels of land, for the reasons as stated in Section 4.1.1, specifically as they related to land use and design. [Ord. No. 03-15 2/24/15]

    A Agriculture

    RR Rural Residential

    R-1-AAA Single Family Residential

    R-1-AAAB Single Family Residential

    R-1-AA Single Family Residential

    R-1-AAB Single Family Residential

    R-1-A Single Family Residential

    R-1-AB Single Family Residential

    MH Mobile Home

    RL Low to Medium Density Residential

    RM Medium to Medium High Density Residential

    PRD Planned Residential Development

    GC General Commercial

    AC Automotive Commercial

    NC Neighborhood Commercial

    PC Planned Commercial

    CBD Central Business District

    RT Resort/Tourism

    POC Planned Office Center

    POD Professional and Office District

    RO Residential Office

    PCC Planned Commerce Center

    MIC Mixed Industrial and Commercial

    I Industrial

    CF Community Facilities

    OS Open Space

    CD Conservation District

    OSSHAD Old School Square Historic Arts District

    SAD Special Activities District

    LI Light Industrial

    OSR Open Space and Recreation


    Overlay and Environmental Management Districts. These Districts may, or may not be shown, on the Official Zoning Map in that they pertain to unique features or characteristics of land or to items of environmental significance which are restricted to a particular parcel of land. These districts provided environmental standards and may restrict the intensity of use of land, as allowed in the Base Districts.

    HP Historic Preservation (designated sites and districts)

    WP Wellfield Protection

    FDC Flood Damage Control (Chapter 10)

    CC Coastal Construction (Chapter 10)

    N Noise Control